Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mid August Skeena River Update

Fishing on the Lower Skeena for Summer Steelhead & Salmon presents not only great fishing opportunities for bright, silver fish, but also spectacular scenery.  Here, Ned Welch swings his fly into the shallows, just upstream from tidewater, in the heart of the coastal BC mountains.
Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Jim Britton and his friends and clients from Oscar's Adventure Travel in Smithers, BC.  With river levels dropping and about 2 ft of visibility in the mainstem Skeena, these were prime conditions for targeting Steelhead & Salmon migrating slowly up its margins.  Here's a few highlights of their week...
A mid teens buck showing just how fresh the Skeena's Summer Steelhead can be!

Bob Hass Jr. with a bright Coho from the mainstem Skeena.  Averaging 5 to 10 lbs in early August, these fish provide outstanding sport and sometimes they fight so hard you'll think they're a Steelhead...

A big one for Dave Mann Sr!

Camaraderie - a key element in any fishing trip!

Swinging in the riffles...

The view from the river near Yellow Cedar Lodge.

A great shot, in a series of photos taken by guest Dave Mann.  In the next several photos, this deer gets closer and closer to the anglers.  Sometimes, wildlife can surprise you!

As close to chrome perfection as we can think of...

One of the highlights of a Summer trip - relaxing on the front balcony at Yellow Cedar Lodge, drink in hand, and in good company.

Fine dining, anyone?  Red Seal chefs Alf Leslie and Jason Efford do an incredible job preparing meals at Yellow Cedar Lodge.  This one with Sockeye Salmon, fresh from the Pacific at Prince Rupert.

The scenery in the Lower Skeena is just hard to beat.

A classic black and white shot of an angler, mountains and a river.

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