Friday, October 8, 2010

Fly Max Films and Skeena Steelhead

Last week I posted a link to Fly Max Film's Facebook page, which features our Skeena Steelhead Trailer - a brief but infectious glimpse at the amazingly good Steelhead fishing the group found while staying with us and Yellow Cedar Lodge a few weeks ago. However, if you're not on Facebook, you might've been left wondering what the buzz was all about. Fear not! The new Fly Max Films website is now up and running and the Skeena Steelhead Trailer is the current featured video. And, don't worry, I'll let you know when the final cut is out...

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Here - Fly Nation' Skeena Steelhead Trailer!

Just one of many memorable moments while fiming with the Fly Nation crew in mid September.  Here, Andrea Charlton and Dustin Kovacvich display a Steelhead double header - one of two on this day!  Nick Pujic Photo
A few weeks ago, the Nicholas Dean crew and our partners, Alf and Simone at Yellow Cedar Lodge had the pleasure of hosting Nick Pujic, Tim Myers, April Vokey (of Fly Gal Ventures) and Andrea Charlton of Fly Nation on their quest to sample our Fall Steelhead fishery and get it on film.  The result?  Epic footage which includes Steelhead double headers, Steelhead sipping dry flies off the surace and an adventure only to be found in northwest British Columbia.  If you're on Facebook, be sure to check out the following:

--THE Skeena Steelhead Trailer - A short exerpt of the forthcoming final cut. Warning - this will make you want to go Steelhead fishing!
-- Join the Nicholas Dean Lodge Facebook Group for updates on our fishing, promotions and more,  and the Fly Max Films Facebook Group for updates on their incredible film work and worldwide fishing travels.

Stay tuned for more photos and video updates over the coming weeks and months!